myofascial release

Myofascial Release

The BEST MYOFASCIAL RELEASE techniques for the Sternocleidomastoid & Scalenes

Myofascial Release Overview

What is myofascial release | What's the difference between myofascial release vs. massage

Myofascial Release - this powerful new therapy for pain

Fascia Release for Neck, Shoulders & Chest - Standing Practice!

Myofascial release techniques for the hamstring muscles using Soft Tissue Release (STR)

The One Rule of Effective Fascial Release - And Why Massage Doesn't 'Release' Fascia

Neuromeningeal Expertise now @PhysioPod #fascia #fasciarelease #visceralmanipulation #neuro

Technique Spotlight: Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial Release: Shoulders and Neck

How to Relieve Shoulder Pain Using Myofascial Release Techniques

Myofascial release for 'that damn spot' (upper back/shoulder pain)

Self-Myofascial Release for Runners

Myofascial Release: Hands/Fingers

Myofascial Release of Psoas Major - Active Release Trained

OMT: Myofascial Release - Lumbosacral Region (Prone; Direct/Indirect MFR)

Myofascial Release of the Diaphragm (Doming) - OMM Lymphatics Techniques for Chronic Pain

Self-massage for TMJ/jaw pain [myofascial release]

TMJ Exercises for Radiated Ear and/or Facial Pain (Myofascial Release and Massage Techniques)

Deep tissue myofascial release for Anterior Scalenes

The (Non)Sense of Foam Rolling and Breaking Up Adhesions/Fascia

How to do Self Myofascial Release for your Hands & Wrists

Myofascial release techniques for the Rhomboids / thoracic spine using Soft Tissue Release (STR)